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Wednesday, January 13, 2010 Post By: Marvel2U
Sunday, January 03, 2010 Post By: Marvel2U

months Bear - Save them!

上个星期参加了一个佛学营,在里面与一个小学妹重遇,六天的营她就坐在我前座。 Last week took part in a Buddhist camp inside a primary school girl with the re-encounter, a six-day camp she was sitting in my front seat. 有一天忽然看见她穿了一件印有“月熊”字眼的T恤,上面还有一行Rescue The China Bear。 Suddenly one day see her wearing a printed "Moon Bear" word T-shirt, above the line, Rescue The China Bear. 我好奇地问她china bear是不是熊猫? I am curious to ask her china bear is not a panda? (虽然袖子上有一个logo画着一个完全不像熊猫的熊,可是中国面临绝种的熊类,我真的只认识熊猫嘛)她说不是,月熊是中国一种黑熊,在胸间有一块v型,白色的毛,因此得名。 (Although there is a logo painted on the sleeve completely unlike a panda bear, but bears face extinction in China, I really only have a panda Well) she would say that it is a kind of black bears on bear, in the chest with a v-type, white hair, hence the name. 虽然两种都是快绝种的熊,可是从她的讲解中,可以知道月熊的命运比熊猫坎坷许多,全因它们能够提供中国人认为是非常滋补的中药--熊胆汁。 Although the two species of bears are fast, but from her talk, we learn that bears on the fate of many ups and downs than the panda, all because they can provide Chinese people believe that Chinese medicine is a very nutritious - bear bile. 中国四川有许多大大小小的月熊农场。 Sichuan, China has many large and small farms on bears. 被捕到的月熊都被关在一个只有它们体型般大小的铁笼里。 Arrest to the month bears were kept in a body only if they like the size of an iron cage. 在关进笼之前,它们都会进行一个手术,主要是在月熊胸膛开一个洞,再把胆囊拉出来,然后把一枝比铅笔还要粗的铁管插进胆囊里,方便他们定时抽取胆汁。 Prior to the locked cage, they will carry out an operation, mainly in the month to open a hole in the bear chest, then pull out of the gallbladder and then an even thicker than a pencil iron pipe inserted into the gallbladder, the bile extraction to facilitate their timing.

Last week attended a Buddhist camp, on the inside with a primary emphasis on case-mei, a six-day camp, she sat on my front seat. Suddenly one day see her wearing a printed with "bear on" the word T-shirt, still above his Rescue The China Bear. I am curious to ask her china bear is Panda? (Although there is a sleeve logo painted a completely unlike panda bear, but China bears threatened with extinction, I really only understand the pandas do) she said no, bears on a black bear in China, in the chest there is a v-type, white hair, hence the name. Although the two species of bears are faster, but from her to explain, you can know that bears on the fate of many frustrations than the giant pandas, all because they can provide the Chinese people think it is very nourishing Chinese medicine - Bear bile. Sichuan, China has many large and small farms on bears. To bear on the arrested have been held in a body is only the size of their cages Lane. Prior to the locked cage, they will carry out an operation, mainly in the chest on Bear opened a hole, and then pull out of the gallbladder and then an even thicker than a pencil iron pipe inserted into the gallbladder, the bile samples to facilitate their timing. Last week attended a Buddhist camp, on the inside with a primary emphasis on case-mei, a six-day camp, she sat on my front seat. Suddenly one day see her wearing a printed with "bear on" the word T-shirt , still above his Rescue The China Bear. I am curious to ask her china bear is Panda? (Although there is a sleeve logo painted a completely unlike panda bear, but China bears threatened with extinction, I really only understand the pandas do) she said no, bears on a black bear in China, in the chest there is a v-type, white hair, hence the name. Although the two species of bears are faster, but from her to explain, you can know that bears on the fate of many frustrations than the giant pandas, all because they can provide the Chinese people think it is very nourishing Chinese medicine - Bear bile. Sichuan, China has many large and small farms on bears. To bear on the arrested have been held in a body is only the size of their cages Lane. Prior to the locked cage, they will carry out an operation, mainly in the chest on Bear opened a hole, and then pull out of the gallbladder and then an even thicker than a pencil iron pipe inserted into the gallbladder, the bile samples to facilitate their timing.

从此,月熊就会在这笼子里度过它的一生。 Since then, the month Bear will be spent in this cage its whole life. 一般上它们的生命最多只能有二十年。 Generally they can only have a maximum of twenty years of life. 能想象吗? Imagine? 一只在野生无拘无束生活着的动物被人关进一个转身也不能的笼子里,过不久就被人用针筒刺进胆囊,抽取胆汁…… One in the wild, unrestrained animals that live in were not confined to one turn of the cage, too soon pierce a man with a needle gall bladder to extract bile ... ...

Since then, the Bears will be on in this cage through its life. Their life in general a maximum of two decades. Could imagine it? A free live in the wild animals have been turned into one of the cages can not be too soon to be used syringes刺进gallbladder, bile extraction ... ... Since then, the Bears will be on in this cage through its life. Their life in general a maximum of two decades. Could imagine it? A free live in the wild animals have been turned into one of the cages can not be too soon to be used syringes pierce gallbladder, bile extraction ... ...

Animals Asia Foundation是一个以救出月熊,还它们自由身心的NGO。 Animals Asia Foundation is a rescued bears month, but also their physical and mental freedom of the NGO. 据他们的义工说,那些被救出的月熊,有很多已经是遍体鳞伤,因为抽胆汁的痛,它们会用身体、头撞铁笼,用爪子乱抓,乱刮。 According to their volunteers that bear on those who have been rescued, many are already black and blue, because the pain of bile extraction, they would use the body, head and hit cages, with claws making unwarranted and arbitrary scratch. 有一些更是被农场的工人鞭打,主要是使它们被驯服,方便取胆汁。 There are some more whipping farm workers, mainly to ensure that they are docile, easy to take bile. 不过最让Animals Asia Foundation义工最心痛的 But most of all to Animals Asia Foundation Volunteer of the most sad about it

Animals Asia Foundation is a rescued on Bear, but also their physical and mental freedom of the NGO. According to the volunteers said that those who have been rescued on bears, a lot has been beaten black and blue, because pumping bile pain, they would use the body, the first collision of metal cages, with claws乱抓, indiscriminate scratching. There are some more farm workers have been whipped, mainly to ensure that they are tame, convenient access bile. But most Animals Asia Foundation volunteers most heartbreaking Animals Asia Foundation is a rescued on Bear, but also their physical and mental freedom of the NGO. According to the volunteers said that those who have been rescued on bears, a lot has been beaten black and blue, because pumping bile pain, they would use the body, the first collision of metal cages, with claws making unwarranted, indiscriminate scratching. There are some more farm workers have been whipped, mainly to ensure that they are tame, convenient access bile. But most Animals Asia Foundation volunteers most heartbreaking

是,月熊在年年月月的折磨中,会和人类一样受到心灵上无比的创伤! Is that bear on the year in Clear on torture will be subject to the same human soul immense trauma! 从此,月熊就会在这笼子里度过它的一生。 Since then, the month Bear will be spent in this cage its whole life. 一般上它们的生命最多只能有二十年。 Generally they can only have a maximum of twenty years of life. 能想象吗? Imagine? 一只在野生无拘无束生活着的动物被人关进一个转身也不能的笼子里,过不久就被人用针筒刺进胆囊,抽取胆汁…… One in the wild, unrestrained animals that live in were not confined to one turn of the cage, too soon pierce a man with a needle gall bladder to extract bile ... ...

Yes, on Bear in the months of torment in years, the Council and the hearts and minds of human beings subject to the same trauma unparalleled! Since then, the Bears will be on in this cage through its life. Their life in general a maximum of two decades. Could imagine it? A free live in the wild animals have been turned into one of the cages can not be too soon to be used syringes刺进gallbladder, bile extraction ... ... Yes, on Bear in the months of torment in years, the Council and the hearts and minds of human beings subject to the same trauma unparalleled! Since then, the Bears will be on in this cage through its life. Their life in general a maximum of two decades. Could imagine it? A free live in the wild animals have been turned into one of the cages can not be too soon to be used syringes pierce gallbladder, bile extraction ... ...

月熊需要我们的帮忙。 On Bear needs our help.

有能力的就出点钱,没能力的也能身体力行,坚决不再盲目的迷信胆汁的效用,不买熊胆汁,也劝阻身边其他人不要再买,让他们知道他们为了一己的利益而伤害了不少的月熊。 The ability of the out of money, no ability can also set an example not just blindly superstitious determined the effectiveness of bile, do not buy bear bile, but also to discourage other people around them not to buy, let them know that they own selfish interests to the detriment of the quite a few months bears. 也希望看过这个部落格的朋友能把文字剪贴在电邮,转发出去给所有朋友。 Also hope that reading this blog for a friend can cut and paste the text in the e-mail, forwarded out to all of your friends.

有兴趣的朋友也可以上Animals Asia Foundation的网站看看: Interested friends can also be on the Animals Asia Foundation's website to see:

On Xiong need our help. On Xiong need our help.
Have the ability on the money can not afford the practice, no longer blindly determined the effectiveness of bile superstition did not buy Bear bile, but also to discourage other people who do not buy, let them know they are for its own interest hurt a lot of bears on. Also hope that reading this blog friends can cut and paste text in e-mail, forwarded out to all my friends. Have the ability on the money can not afford the practice, no longer blindly determined the effectiveness of bile superstition did not buy Bear bile, but also to discourage other people who do not buy, let them know they are for its own interest hurt a lot of bears on. Also hope that reading this blog friends can cut and paste text in e-mail, forwarded out to all my friends.
Interested friends can Animals Asia Foundation's Web site to see: Interested friends can Animals Asia Foundation's Web Site to see:

Friday, January 01, 2010 Post By: Marvel2U

Darvaza natural gas

The Darvaza natural gas crater is located in the center of the Karakum Desert in the central Asian country of Turkmenistan. The crater resulted after a Soviet natural gas exploration accident in the 1950s and has been burning ever since. The crater is approximately 60 meters in diameter and its depth is approximately 20 meters.

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